1. Product Development & Food Science/Technology
- Food product development, formulation and sensory evaluation
- Food preservation and packaging
- Food shelf life testing and evaluation
- Food quality and safety
- Food labelling and legislation
2. Process Development & Food Engineering
- Food process definition and specification
- Equipment selection and design
- Process plant layout and plant design
- Retort process design and validation
3. Training & Education
- Technical short courses (e.g. extrusion, retort / canning, drying technology and water activity, product commercialisation, food process engineering, food preservation technology)
- Customised training for companies on-site
4. Commercialisation Services
- Product commercialization
- Food labelling
- Packaging & brand design
- Pilot scale testing
- Assistance to identify contract processors
- Marketing
- Fruit & vegetables
- Meat & Poultry
- Cereals/grains
- Dairy products
- Petfoods
Technology areas:
- Drying & evaporation
- Water activity
- Thermal processing
- Extrusion
- Refrigeration & Freezing
- Deep frying
- 3D modelling